
Asu exit process and dropbox transfer request pages
Asu exit process and dropbox transfer request pages

asu exit process and dropbox transfer request pages

You can filter the activity you’re viewing by Date range, People, Content, or Activities. You can track the following transfer-related activities:.How to view your team’s transfer activity Note: Only team admins can manage this setting-user management and support admins can’t disable transfers. Next to Sharing files using Dropbox Transfer, set the toggle to On or Off.Įxisting transfer links will no longer be accessible if you turn Dropbox Transfer off for your team.Click Admin console in the left sidebar.Sign in to with your admin credentials.

asu exit process and dropbox transfer request pages

To turn Dropbox Transfer on or off for your team: How to turn Dropbox Transfer on or off for your team

asu exit process and dropbox transfer request pages

This article walks admins through how to turn Dropbox Transfer on or off for their team and how to view team transfer activity. Certain types of admins can manage Dropbox Transfer for their team.

Asu exit process and dropbox transfer request pages